Welcome to Mont Albert Cricket Club, where we strongly believe in providing a fun and safe environment for persons of all ages to play competitive cricket. We are committed to working closely with our members and the wider Mont Albert community in order to achieve this goal.
But, we need your help…
MACC is run entirely by volunteers and we are always seeking enthusiastic people to join our team.
From being a committee member, to helping score at games, there are a score of roles that are essential for the smooth operations of the club.
You can either contact us for more information or specifically put yourself forward for one of the below vacancies.
We are also open to new ideas and suggestions, so if you think there is something you can help us with, please reach out.
Peter Knox – President
Email: knoxp58@gmail.com
Phone: 0410 349 801

Current Vacancies at MACC
In 2021-22 the club will require COVID-19 helpers for each junior age group to help ensure we have sufficient supplies of sanitiser, and to facilitate the compliance of our COVID-19 safety plan. If you are interested in this role, please contact Greg Cull on 0421 153 868 or montalbertcc1930@gmail.com
If you are interested in helping out with this role, please contact either Howard Bertus or Michael Massey. Cricket experience is not necessary, particularly for a manager role. For parents, these roles provide a great opportunity to get involved in your child’s cricket. For senior players, this represents a great opportunity to pass on your skills and knowledge to the next generation.
Howard Bertus
Email: howard.bertus@gmail.com
Phone: 0432 931 890
Michael Massey
Email: michaelmassey2912@gmail.com
Phone: 0410 998 505
We’re looking for someone to join our media and communications team in the following roles:
- Website Content Creator (Juniors) – role includes contributing to website news stories for the junior teams.
- Photographer (Juniors and Seniors) – we are seeking enthusiastic club members to dedicate some time on most weekends to taking photos at MACC matches and training sessions.
If you are interested in either of these roles, please contact Harvey Jones
Email: harveyj42@gmail.com
Phone: 0438 144 878